Commercial Kitchen Hood Filter Care


Are your hood filters getting cleaned regularly? Do you prefer to wait until your hood cleaning service does it? First of all, know that not all hood cleaning firms clean your filters. They clean them by wiping them down, then they move to the side while they clean your hood, duct, or updraft system. Filters are cleaned by our staff regularly, but you can’t keep your system running efficiently if they’re not being cleaned frequently. Neglecting to clean your filters … Read More

Commercial Kitchen for Rent


Perhaps you want to test your commercial food ideas in someone else’s commercial kitchen.  As an owner of a hood cleaning company I find this to be a great topic. Across the country, shared use kitchens offer affordable production space and a culinary incubator. They also provide business development support. Rent a high-quality commercial kitchen. Let’s get cooking by finding a local kitchen! Shared Use Kitchen Space Commercial kitchens, also known as community commercial kitchens or incubators, are licensed and … Read More

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